Thursday, March 6, 2014

Thursday Again

Wait, what? Thursday again? The days are flying by so fast, I'm losing track. Summer plans in motion, end-of-term assessments in motion, t - 3 weeks of class until Easter Recess. It is officially crunch time.

This past week has been defined by extensive study sessions: library sessions between classes, evening dates with my word processor and set of reading notes. A single study lamp on to set the mood, a bit of light jazz to spice it with cozy. I am trying so hard to bust out the essays.

That said, I have been out 'n about a bit, chomh maith. This evening, I went downtown to do some much-needed shopping. 'Twas raining, Wymana was grumpy. She'd been walking around in the rain (and subsequently damp clothes) all day. Then she stopped in Penney's, a department store for super-cheap clothes. Her two friends decided she needed to try something on: a pair of unicorn print leggings. Very unique. The only unicorn print leggings I have ever seen in my life. "Here," they said. "You can go clubbing in this." "Very funny," I say. "I might as well poop skittles."

So I went ahead and modeled the unicorn print leggings for them, imagining a vibrant start to the beginning of a propitious modeling career. All rainbows and unicorns. Wymana was in a much better mood after this.

Post-shopping, I had a lovely time at a UCC book club and didn't get back to my apartment until after 9 pm. (Note that most UCC events happen Thursday nights, as the majority of Irish students leave for the weekend. Friday = max exodus of students with suitcases to the bus stops). At this point, I realized that I hadn't had dinner, nor what one could really call a lunch. I was starving. More than that, I was severely behind on my vegetable intake for the day and needed to take care of some near-expiration bean sprouts in the fridge. So I made possibly the spiciest curry that I have ever had in my life. There's a scene in the Mel Brooks movie Spaceballs where Dark Helmet shouts "MY BRAINS ARE FLYING INTO MY FEET." Well, make that the dinner edition and it's an accurate representation of my curry. My southwestern family would be proud.

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