Monday, January 20, 2014

Blarney Castle

This here child leaned 4 feet over the edge of a castle roof to kiss a stone that locals pee on. At least she hopes she kissed the Blarney stone, not the one above it, because she certainly could do with a little more eloquence of speech (and let's not even talk about eloquence of movement). But it is becoming clearer and clearer that she probably kissed the stone above....

Legend has it that the Blarney stone will bestow the gift of eloquence upon anyone who is crazy enough to put their life in peril to kiss it. To this date, I have heard of no person falling to their death...but then that would significantly diminish tourist appeal. However, Blarney Castle is awesome on its own if you don't want to lean 4 feet out from the castle roof. Unlike sites in the States, you can run through it At Your Own Risk. Climb that ridiculously steep stone stairwell dripping with water. Crawl through the castle's underground tunnels (oh hey, a giant spider). Hang ten over its parapets. Nothing's going to stop you, because you give up your rights to sue the minute you step through the castle gates and under the entrance's murder hole (where unwelcome visitors might have rocks dropped on their heads, or boiling oil, or some other unfortunate substance). And if that's not great enough, the castle also has its own poison garden. Stroll through isles of wolfsbane and yew and nightshade. Marvel at how many such plants you have in your garden (that's 75% for the Wyman clan, folks). Notice that dear mother is looking a little too pleased and decide that it's time to check out the arboretum. Rock out navigating back to Cork in the rental car. Final impression: Blarney Castle is amazing. Go there.

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